What if you could actually

experience desire for pleasurable sex postpartum?


Introducing. . .

The Parent Pleasure Academy 

Inside The Parent Pleasure Academy you'll get everything you need to know about postpartum sex so you can stop googling and incorporate quick and practical pleasure into your everyday life.

The Parent Pleasure Academy helps parents prepare for postpartum intimacy in just 4 weeks, so they can ditch desire differences, recover overall well-being, and have more time to bond with baby.

 Join today — doors close soon!

Enroll Now

Tell me if this sounds like you . . .

  • You feel like sex and intimacy has taken a backseat but somewhere deep inside there is a little whisper craving connection even if it feels impossible right now.
  • You need this pleasure to be pain-free and fit into your busy postpartum schedule.
  • You're fed up with giving your body to baby or partner with little in return.
  • You're tired of feeling like sex or your body in general will never feel good again.
  • You wish there was a way to stop arguing, get over these issues, and have pleasurable sex ASAP without adding 10,000 additional things to your to-do list.
  • You’re ready to prioritize your own needs while balancing the demands of parenthood.


Good News!

That is my specialty.

I help my clients with those same problems every single day.

And if you're like any of them, you've probably made some of the same mistakes . . .



Mistakes Like . . .

Mistake #1

Letting self care, self pleasure, and sex fall to the bottom of the list

Mistake #2

Believing that you are broken because you don't want sex

Mistake #3

Forgetting that QUALITY sex IS worth the investment

Imagine . . .


There was a world where you didn't feel pressured to attend a 6 week checkup in order to be "cleared" for sex because your partner wants it . . .

You could look in the mirror and feel great about your body, inside and out. . .

You could communicate your wants and needs confidently, especially about what pleases YOU and what support you need to get in the mood. . .

You could save time googling, stop getting terrible advice from non-expert mom groups, and have all the postpartum sex information you need in one place . . .

You could navigate conversations about postpartum sex with a partner quickly and effectively
(because you don't have time for this you want a shower, food, and sleep) . . .

You could actually have time for self care, self or partnered pleasure AND your own wellbeing . . .

You could find the desire to have QUALITY postpartum pleasure which you haven't felt since before baby . . .


And overall you would know postpartum pleasure is worth the investment because even though you might not want to think about sex during the daily tasks of parenting you learn that it is all connected and happier more fulfilled parents make happier more fulfilled children.


You don't need to trade in your spark and sexy card when you become a parent.

All of That Is Possible With The Parent Pleasure Academy

Join today doors are closing soon.

Today only...

When you join The Parent Pleasure Academy through the end of today, you'll also get access to a one hour 1:1 coaching session with Sex Coach Kaci which includes an exclusive dive into your personal concerns and custom made action plan with the exact steps you need to take to get to where you want to be.

I'm Ready!

The Busy Bee

Birth Parent

Your mental well-being and body have been through the wringer, and it's time to hit pause. 

 Reprioritize wellness and pleasure without adding more to your never ending to-do list. 

Let's reclaim joy and fulfillment on your terms.


The Knowledge

Seeking Partner

Being the support system for a new parent can be overwhelming and uncertain, you are NOT alone. 

Pleasure isn’t a box to be checked, but an art that takes applied practice! 

Let's navigate this journey together, ensuring your needs are met as well as your partner’s.

The Expecting


It’s normal as a couple to wonder how to keep the spark alive post-baby. 

Dive into effective communication and tools to ensure pleasure remains a vibrant part of your journey. 

Get ready to make intimacy a priority without the anxiety and overwhelm!

Basically This Is

For You If . . .

You want to achieve pleasure postpartum.

You're either pregnant and trying to prepare or have given birth but don't know where to get started.

You want to self-pleasure but are overwhelmed with the changes your body has gone through.

You want to have sex with a partner but are scared there will be pain or discomfort.

You don't have desire for any type of sex because you are exhausted but have a partner who wants to engage.

You want an easy, straightforward system to get back to a self or partnered pleasure routine quickly (in 4 weeks or less) so you can focus on bonding and caring for yourself and baby.

On The Flip Side . . .

This is not for you if...

You need immediate medical or mental health attention from a qualified provider.

You don't prioritize or recognize the significance of postpartum pleasure within your overall well-being.

You are not willing to reflect and do the work it requires to achieve real results.

You are in an unsupportive relationship or environment that hinders consent, open communication, and exploration of intimacy.

Hi, I'M


Hi, I'm Kaci!

I am a Certified Sex Coach dedicated to helping parents achieve postpartum pleasure by ditching the exhaustion, anxiety, and fear that comes with sex after baby allowing them to rekindle passion, embrace joy, and confidently navigate the adventure of parenthood.

I'm a born-and-raised Jersey girl, currently navigating the chaos near NYC with my husband, our energetic almost threenager, and new 5 month old babygirl. (Yes I have my hands full and I'm in the thick of it too lol)

I spent 13+ years in education and mental health. But after my first mini-me made her grand entrance, I decided to flip the script, waving goodbye to the 9-to-5 grind and dove headfirst into my own biz and online course.

So Why Did I Make This Course?

I wanted to package up what I learned and share it with more people. I chose to create this course because I wanted to help other parents reach postpartum pleasure quicker than I did and I needed the space and time to add more pleasure within my own life.

I also believe that everyone whether partnered or single deserves postpartum pleasure.

Module #1


Reflect on where you are and where you want to go

Take a moment to pause amid the whirlwind of postpartum life to reflect deeply on your journey.

Many people think the solution to no desire, exhaustion, and anxiety about returning to postpartum sex is to slap some lingerie and lube on. In fact, it is quite the opposite. 

Module #1 gives you the foundation needed to prioritize your pleasure and embark on a path towards a more joyful and connected postpartum.

Activities In The Module #1 Workbook Include:

Journaling the Journey
Vagina Values
The Postpartum Life Mastery Wheel
Restful Reawakening Meditations
The Edit
Mindful Moments
Blossoming Bodies

Module #2


Learn solutions, ask questions, communicate

Debunk myths holding you back and find  quick ways to prepare your mind, body, and spirit for pleasure.

Break free from the "wait 6 weeks" narrative, and envision new possibilities for intimacy. Dr. Helene Darmanin, our esteemed guest expert in Pelvic Power 101, shares invaluable insights into pelvic floor wellness.

Module #2 is your gateway to practical knowledge and confidence, preparing you for the next step—embarking on the journey of self or partnered pleasure.

Activities In The Module #2 Workbook Include:

My Postpartum Circles of Sexuality
Postpartum Provider Inquiry
Anatomy For Pleasure
Pelvic Power 101 
Myths Debunked
Common Concerns
The “Yes List”
Postpartum Possibilities
Partner Prompts

Module #3


Practice self and partnered pleasure techniques

This is your invitation to explore the playful side of postpartum intimacy.

Shift gears from reflection to action. Dive into the Self-Pleasure and Partnered Pleasure Postpartum Sex Masterclasses, where you'll gain practical insights and techniques to enhance your intimate experiences.

Module #3 is all about making things spicier, discovering new dimensions of pleasure, and fostering a deeper connection with yourself or your partner.

Activities In The Module #3 Workbook Include:

Desire Diagnosis
Beyond The Mirror
Self Care Before Postpartum Sex Checklist
Self-Pleasure Postpartum Sex Masterclass
Partnered Pleasure Postpartum Sex Masterclass

Module #4


Resolve conflict and maintain an increase in satisfaction and intimacy

Receive guidance on navigating challenges and maintaining a thriving connection. You’ve already done the hard work.

It is time to think about maintaining pleasure moving forward or troubleshooting and getting 1:1 support if this course has not gone deep enough. Harness the power of intentionality to shape the postpartum narrative you desire.

Module #4 is where you'll not only resolve conflicts but also learn how to sustain and nurture the satisfaction and intimacy you've cultivated on your postpartum journey.

Activities In The Module #4 Workbook Include:

The Manifest Master
Bridging The Gap
When Things Aren’t Working
Harmony At Home

Join today!

Doors are closing soon.

I'm Ready!

There's more! You'll also get . . .


BONUS 4 Weeks of Group Coaching 

($1,200 Value)


Today only...

When you join The Parent Pleasure Academy through the end of today, you'll also get access to a one hour 1:1 coaching session with Sex Coach Kaci which includes an exclusive dive into your personal concerns with postpartum sex and intimacy.


1:1 Coaching Session

($150 Value)


So Much Value!

8+ Hours of Instruction by Sex Coach Kaci 

($2,400 Value)

The Pleasure Pathway: Signature Framework 

($1,500 Value)

Pelvic Floor Expert Lecture by Mama Bear PT 

($600 Value)

Access to Private Facebook Community 

($500 Value)

Workbook & Ultimate Resource Guide 

($150 Value)


+ Your Bonuses $1350

=$6,500 TOTAL VALUE!!!!

Get Started Today

For $497

I'm Ready !


If The Parent Pleasure Academy doesn't meet your expectations within the initial 7 days, and you've completed at least Module #1 so I know you have tried, feel free to request a full refund by sending an email to [email protected]

If you've read this far . . .


You have two options:

Continue to spend more time and energy trying to figure it out on your own...


finally have a proven framework for achieving postpartum pleasure so you can finally get the great sex you deserve, stop arguing, and get back to parenting.


Imagine where you could be just one month from now

You're ready to achieve postpartum pleasure.
You're ready to stop fearing it will hurt or not feel the same.
You're ready to start prioritizing YOU.
You're ready for a way to have great sex after baby.
You're ready to make this happen quickly and without adding more to your to-do list.
You're ready to strengthen the relationship with yourself or a partner.
You're ready for The Parent Pleasure Academy.

Join today — doors close soon!

Enroll Now